Why Do We Need A Separate Communication University ?

rastriyakhabar100@gmail.com' राष्ट्रिय खबर
३० श्रावण २०७१, शुक्रबार १४:२३

Manju Mishra- College of Journalism and Mass Communication (CJMC) is aiming to establish a separate university of mass communication in Nepal to set a new benchmark in quality of Journalism in Nepal. University allows us the liberty to restructure our current out-dated media curriculum.60120_3625122722536_1500084479_n

To bring about an end to the “old-schooling” of journalism in Nepal and re-evaluate our teaching practices. Our old-school academic culture which incentivizes strict adherence to textbooks will be replaced by inquiry (into the applicability of what’s being taught) and practical understanding of the subject matter. We will have the liberty to run our own courses and open variety of faculties and disciplines under journalism and mass communication.

This will be of great help to be center for excellence in journalism for the whole of Nepal. For example, through photography and videography courses we plan to not only attract media photographers from all over the world but provide a platform for various interesting projects and actualization of ideas. The door will be open to have the capacity to provide for underprivileged students interested in journalism. We will be able to effectively provide an INTEGRATIVE and PRACTICAL understanding of journalism which we are not able to do at present because of how our old curriculum is structured. This will allow for an easier access to partner with other esteemed media universities around the world and invite professors from abroad to train and educate our students for an in-depth and integrated understanding of Journalism.

Once the umbrella act is passed by the parliament, out of the 20 universities that have applied this is going to be the ONLY University established and run by a woman. Our government’s response is very positive towards us and we are certain that our application for Communication University of Nepal will be approved. (Mishra is the principal of CJMC college)

– See more at: http://www.npnews.net/why-do-we-need-a-separate-communication-university/#sthash.GzeARDR3.dpuf
