Is Masturbation bad for health?' राष्ट्रिय खबर
२ असार २०७१, सोमबार १५:०७

It is obvious that human being have sexual desire. Not only among human beings, every living beings on this earth has sexual desires. To quench this sexual desire, every one wishes to have sexual partners but no one is fortunate enough to quench such desire whenever they want. Human beings have been applying various alternative ways to appease such desires since very long. Among many alternative ways, the most applied way is masturbation.female-masturbation3

Today, people have started to adopt various method of masturbation. Any method that involves stimulating ones sexual organs with the use of fingers, hands or foreign objects to appease the sexual desire is masturbation. Masturbation is the safest method of appeasing sexual desire. While males grip and slide the foreskin of their penis back and forth, females apply manual clitoral stimulation or vaginal stimulation with a dildo. Many people also uses sex toys to masturbate. Such sex toys are easily available in the market for both males and females.

Though people have been masturbating since ancient time, various different misconceptions have been developing along with time. Many people believe that masturbation causes pimples, impotency, poor eyesight, abnormal blend of penis, premature ejaculation, energy loss and etc but all of these beliefs are wrong.

Science has not categorized these phenomena as the causes of masturbation. Instead, science and researches has proved that masturbation appeases sexual desire and prevents an individual from being depressed. Masturbation has prevented forced sexual activities to certain extent. If information and education would have been disseminated effectively then everyone would have taken the benefit of masturbation without hesitation and would have been more helpful to prevent sex related crimes.

Moreover, masturbation helps in preventing unwanted pregnancies, sexual activity with flesh traders and prevents the transmission of HIV and STI related diseases. Researchers have proved that masturbation also helps males to prevent themselves from getting prostate cancer.
One should consider various factors while masturbating. For example, if an individual wishes to masturbate, s/he should keep their hands clean. One should not stimulate their genitals forcefully. Similarly, females should neatly clean their fingernails before starting to masturbate.

There are no definite suggested numbers of masturbation to be done. If one wishes to masturbate on a daily basis then it does not affect one’s health but one should not just concentrate on masturbating; instead, s/he should focus more on their studies and works.


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